A Mother’s Love Sent from Afar

This poem tells of the poet's emotional journey as a mother when her daughters moved to live overseas. She reflects on the precious moments with her daughters as young girls and long to be physically close to them, despite the distance. The poem captures her deep love and longing for her daughters while acknowledging the reality of their separation. She hopes they will reunite one day. The poem emphasizes the enduring power of love and care. This heartfelt poem speaks of the universal experience of parental love and the challenges of letting go.

I’m Waiting, Anticipating

This poem offers a positive perspective on waiting. It illustrates different facets of waiting by highlighting peaceful acceptance and excitement in finding calm and fresh determination while waiting for life's events to unfold. It conveys hope through reflections on nature and personal connections. The poet invites you to embrace anticipation as a joyful, dynamic experience, steering clear of sadness, anxiety, or impatience.

Climbing Back to Normal

After overcoming spinal surgery and radiation for cancer, the poet is grateful to be able to resume writing and sharing poetry. Amidst struggles with nausea, pain, and fatigue, she emphasizes patience and perseverance. While her computer silently awaited her return, she focused on assessing her purpose with patience and resilience. Listen to the poem "Climbing Back to Normal" on my website.


During the poet's cancer radiation treatment, she underwent daily hospital visits for radiation targeting cancer cells in her spine. Living with her daughter, she relied on her for care and transportation. Despite physical challenges, she maintained a positive mindset through exercise, reading, and learning from inspirational stories of other people who have overcome illness and trauma throughout their lives. This poem reflects on her determination and gratitude for small progressions during this difficult time in her life.

Roots of Healing

This poem describes the poet's post-surgery experience and emotional turmoil. Discharged with medication and crutches, she found comfort in a treehouse retreat and sharing time with her daughter who took care of her. She struggled to accept the restrictions of movement the surgery has left her with. Her focus shifts to healing and recuperating, emphasizing the need for patience and endurance.

Rods and Screws

This poem portrays the profound impact of illness and surgery on her life, including the challenges of pain management, cognitive changes, and strained relationships. Despite the hardships, the unwavering support of loved ones played a crucial role in her recovery journey. The poem conveys the resilience and power of companionship during adversity.

The Diagnosis

This poem delves into the shock and emotional turmoil of receiving a spine cancer diagnosis. The poet grapples with questions about the extent of the disease and the impact on her life and future. The peom vividly captures the devastation and sense of loss that accompanies such a diagnosis, despite the initial reassurance from the doctor about treatment prospects.


The poet has a CAT scan for back pain, leading to a series of urgent medical appointments. A scan reveals a concerning issue, prompting immediate action and hospitalization. She reflects on life as the she awaits further tests. The poem captures the shock and uncertainty of facing a serious medical condition and the impact it has on her life and relationships, while she waits in hospital for the results.

Stop and Listen

The poet's journey of enduring chronic pain finally leads her to seek medical help. Her hectic schedule and determination to push through the pain eventually force her reluctantly, to stop and see a medical doctor. This personal account reflects the struggle to balance a busy life with the imperative need to address one's health issues.

The Friendship of Pain

The poet reflects on her perception of pain as an enemy and her reluctance to address it holistically. Despite persistent discomfort, she ignored the warning signs. The pain escalated during a celebratory trip, leaving her unable to participate fully. Her journey emphasizes the significance of acknowledging and responding to pain as a friend rather than an adversary, to avoid potential future consequences.

The Attack of Disease

This post reflects on a personal journey with disease, describing the impact on life decisions, relationships, and faith. The author shares the ongoing battle with the disease and the support received from medical professionals and loved ones. The accompanying poem emphasizes the unexpected nature of illness, the toll it takes, and the hope found in holistic healing. Despite the challenges, the author aims to offer awareness, strength, and encouragement through their story.

Ranked in the 5 Best Australian Poetry Podcasts

Simply Story Poetry has been ranked in the Top 5 Best Australian Poetry Podcasts for 2023 by Feedspot. Beverley Joy, the poet, writes Christian faith and general life poems, shaing reflections on nature, love, relationships and life experiences.

Footprints of a Monkey Mind

The poem reflects on the challenge of quieting a restless mind, stressing the need to be present in the moment. Memories and worries hinder engagement with the present. Seek to master mindfulness to embrace peace, abundance, and love amidst aggression and greed. Dwelling on the past and future steals the wonder of the present. The poem highlights the human mind's control, its oscillation between reality and fantasy, and the burden of carrying regrets. It emphasizes the pursuit of peace, abundance, and love through mindfulness and gratitude, ultimately aiming to leave a positive mark on the world.

Mask the Truth

The poem depicts the unveiling of a friend's true self, leading to a deeper bond. Pride, guilt, and shame dissolve as they choose love and honesty. Despite the initial shock, the friendship emerges stronger. The poet emphasizes the beauty of shedding superficiality for genuine connection. This personal revelation propels them to leave the past behind and move forward authentically. Forgiveness and realness, strengthening their friendship. The poem captures the transformative nature of vulnerability and truth in relationships.

Bullied at School

This poem portrays the lifelong impact of school bullying on a gentle-natured boy. Despite being bullied, he found it difficult to comprehend the reasons behind the mistreatment. The emotional scars remained with him as an adult, affecting his relationships and self-perception. His wife offered unwavering support, yet his inner turmoil persisted. This poignant narrative underscores the lasting trauma caused by childhood bullying and calls for vigilance in protecting children from such experiences. It serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring effects of bullying and the importance of creating a safe and nurturing environment for young individuals.

A Golden Thread

On Valentine's Day many lovers, partners and spouses will celebrate their love together. Yet many lovers, partners, and spouses, who are separated by thousands of miles, find comfort in the unbreakable bond of true love. Despite the physical distance, because their love is deep and strong they patiently wait till the day they will be reuniting. Until then, their love will overcome the challenge of distance between them because they believe in the unbreakable bond of true love.

Home Sweet Home

The author has lived in diverse houses and lifestyles across Australia, from a motorhome to a city unit, and from a big house overlooking the ocean to a small country seaside town. Her experiences include living in a caravan, a tree house, and even a pioneer worker's cottage. Each unique dwelling and location offered different daily routines and activities that enriched her life, leading her to reflect that no matter the size or location, a house is a home where love abides. This exploration of varied lifestyles showcases the enriching and diverse experiences she has enjoyed throughout her life.

The Thief

The poem discusses the emotional impact of theft and the lessons learned from being a victim. It highlights the contrast between the thief's selfishness and the victim's ability to heal and forgive. The author emphasizes the importance of trust and the consequences of theft on both the perpetrator and the victim, advocating for love and inner strength.

God Protects Us as a Mother Hen Protects Her Chicks – Psalm 91:1-4

This poem of Psalm 91 verses 1 to 4, likens God's protection to a mother hen protecting her chicks, with a focus on providing safety and warmth. The poem also emphasizes the aspects of faith, trust and resilience in adversity.

Time Sings of Memories

person thinking of good and bad memories

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