Love is Living Art

This poem captures the essence of falling in love, whether it's the excitement of youthful infatuation or the enduring love of maturity. The poet reflects on her own experiences emphasizing the belief that it's never too late to fully embrace love. The poem celebrates the transformative and inspiring nature of love, encouraging people to embrace love fully. The poem paints a picture of love as living art, inspiring and challenging us to step beyond our comfort zones.

The Warrior Within

The warrior in us awakens To rise to certain occasions Though timid we will stand To protect when in danger we detect. A verse from my poem 'Archetypes of Life' Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry You can BUY my poems and verses at Click on image

Love Rumbles its Message to Mankind

Love rumbles its message to mankind "If you swim against me, you will tire and fail Come, swim with me, embrace the journey Flow with love's Golden Rule of life" A verse from my poem 'Love Flows Like A River' Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry You can BUY my poems and verses on a... Continue Reading →

The River of Love Will Find a Way

Love flows like a river out into our world It will not be stopped by the obstacles of life We can slow it down or hold it back for a time But the river of love will find a way through or around. A verse from my poem 'Love Flows As A River' Beverley Joy... Continue Reading →

Lift Your Feet and Skip, Dance and Sing

I'll lift my feet as I walk along Throw in a skip, dance a jig, sing a song Of praise and thanksgiving as I wilderness roam. A verses from my poem 'Wilderness Roaming' Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry You can BUY my poems and verses at

Be Proud of Your Insignificance

Though my life seems small and insignificant Amidst human towering success and strength I'm proud to be one of the fragile and delicate A flower of humanity that God created. A verse from my poem 'A Delicate Flower' Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry You can BUY my poems and verses at

The Storms of Life Expose and Strengthen Our Weaknesses

The storms of life can cleanse away Our weaknesses and strengthen us To be stronger to nourish ourselves and others. A verse from my poem 'A Battered Refuge' Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry

What Will We Choose To Do?

Life's storms can batter and bruise But they can also teach us a lesson or two If that's what we choose to do. Inspired by my poem 'Battered Refuge' Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry

Make Time Today To Improve

Make time today to Improve your health Exercise, Write, Create, Paint. Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry. You can BUY my poems and verses at Click on image

No Time To Do What?

I wrote this verse about my own life at the time, in 2016. How easy it can be for us to not get important things done. How difficult it can be for us to play catch up and get done the important things we didn't do when we should have done them. How strange it... Continue Reading →

Clean, Organised, Neat and Ready

Once my mind is clean, organised and neat With no more allergic dust to cause my mind to react, My mind shall be my valuable asset Ever ready to be put to good use. A verse from my poem 'Clearn Up My Cluttered Mind' Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry You can BUY my poems... Continue Reading →

To See Things and People in Clarity

I rip down the curtain of 'untruth' And let in the light through the window of my mind So I can see things and people as they really are No more tripping over junk and causing myself pain. A verse from my poem 'Clear Up My Cluttered Mind' Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry You... Continue Reading →

Clear, Renew, Replace and Order

I clear my mind of junky thoughts Renew past thoughts that are valuable Replace the junk with new useful thoughts And place them in an orderly fashion. A verse from my poem 'Clean Up My Cluttered Mind' Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry You can BUY my poems and verses at Image by Gerd... Continue Reading →

The Clutter Needs Sorting

My mind is cluttered with 'stuff' Thoughts and beliefs Some of it junk Some worth keeping Some in need of TLC. A verse from my poem 'Clear Up My Cluttered Mind. Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry You can BUY my poems and verses at Image by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay

The Ripple Effect of Forgiveness

When we choose to forgive That starts a ripple effect For when we change, others change too As they respond to our new behaviour. A verse from my poem 'Choose To Forgive'. Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry You can BUY my poems and verses at Photo by Caryn from Pexels

There’s No Shame in Asking ‘Lift My Up’

There's no shame in asking for help To lift you up and walk alongside While you learn to live, from today, Free from the shackles of yesterday. A verse from my poem 'Choose to Forgive' Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry You can BUY my poems and verses at

The Mud Puddle on Memory Lane

Forgiveness is getting up and walking away From sitting in the mud puddle on memory lane Sitting in the pain, conversations and actions Of past events and attached emotions. A verse from my poem 'Choose to Forgive'. Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry You can BUY my poems and verses at

The Reason You Are Here?

As the sands of time shift under your feet The sea breeze blows those blue thoughts away'As you're reminded of the reason that you're here Your cherished family and children so dear. A verse from my poem 'What, You're Turning 60?' Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry You can BUY my poems and verses at... Continue Reading →

The Advantage of Disadvantage

If we search carefully within every circumstance we face, With an open mind, we will surely find that Within disadvantages we find advantage Within weakness we find strength. Beverley Joy © 2019 of Simply Story Poetry

Dad, You Are Unique and Special

Outside appearance doesn't matter to me I see his soul and spirit, unique and special God's gift to his family. From my poem 'Dad, You Are A Gentleman' Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry You can BUY my poem and verse products at

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