Workplace Bullying

Feeling misunderstood and unheard when voicing WHS issues in the workplace

I wrote this poem many years ago, after resigning from a workplace position. Naive and eager to serve, I faced workplace politics and felt misunderstood. Despite raising concerns about bullying and harassment, I was met with mistrust and a dismissive response from management. The poem reflects on my decision to leave, feeling unheard, overpowered and unsupported, and emphasizes the need for workers’ and volunteers’ help around workplace bullying. Should I have reacted differently? Should I have fought longer?

Some good came out of the confrontation. About 6 months later, the organisation eventually put WHS policies in place, which was the issue I originally raised. Beverley Joy

Listen HERE – Poem – Workplace Bully

Content with my work, keen in spirit

Eager to serve, obedient, compliant

Blissfully ignorant of workplace politics.

This was my chance to advance

A new direction, a new career

I embraced the vision of the mission

Keen to work as a team member.

But an incident occurred that left me disturbed

I said I had been bullied and harassed

Some workers thought I should just ‘toughen up’.

Not one to make waves or ruffle feathers

I voiced concern about what I had suffered

A delicate flower in a forest of trees

What hope did I have of making them see?

A workmate helped with the correspondence

To present, for a decision, to management

I wanted to leave, just walk away

But, he convinced me to stand strong and stay.

I patiently waited with the assumption

I would receive a fair and balanced reaction

But, they accused me of having a hidden agenda

Blamed with distrust, now my character is stained.

My reputation in disrepute

“How could I have been so misunderstood?

What did I say? What did I do?

That caused them to falsely accuse?

Management asked me “Are you over this yet?”

“Forgive and forget”

“Why are you so upset?”

“I’m sorry you feel this way but…”

Finally, I received a Teflon letter

Written by a lawyer, a fellow team member

Many words but little meaning

Placing the blame subtly on me.

In effect, their words said, “This matter is closed”

I had been stonewalled, my truth ignored

Who could I speak to? I stood alone.

No more agendas or work politics

Or false accusations against me

No more wasting time defending

‘Cause I’m leaving this job, I’m out of here.

Reluctantly, I dropped the issue

Brushed under the carpet, the culture continued

These standover tactics will no doubt repeat

Until they are challenged by one of their peers.

Simply Story Poetry © 2015 All Rights Reserved.

You can listen to all my poems on several podcast platforms HERE

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