The Woman that I am

Women from biblical stories, each with a unique narrative of faith, resilience, and redemption.

The poem showcases various women from biblical stories, each with a unique narrative of faith, resilience, and redemption. From Eve and Rahab to Mary and Martha, these women exhibit strength and courage in their diverse experiences, illustrating the enduring power of faith and devotion in the face of hardship and societal scorn. Beverley Joy

I am Eve
Forgiven by God Almighty
Though guilty of foolish pride
God has clothed in robes to cover my shame
And promised an honourable future plan.

I am Rahab
Supporting my family in any way I can
Hearing of God and believing by faith
Rescued from a destructive life
To marry and live respectfully.

I am Haggai
Without work, home or family
Discarded by her community
God rescued her and her child
Quenched their thirst and saved their lives.

I am Leah
Unloved and lonely in her marriage
God blessed her with the gift of children
To love and find life’s true purpose.

I am Esther
Once kidnapped by the Persian King
To be one of his concubines
Then chosen to be his wife and queen
Dressed and jewelled in royalty.

I am Abagail
Married to an angry fool
Showing honour to her King
Who rescues her and honour gives.

I am Mary the mother
Poor in this world yet honoured in heaven
Accepting her duty despite the cost
Of rejection, disgrace and life lost.

I am Mary
With a searching hungry heart
Sitting at the feet of Jesus
Craving His every word.

Anointing and honouring my Lord
With treasured perfume oil
‘Midst scoffs and disapproval
He accepts my act of love.

I am Martha
Distracted by so many things
Frustrated and accusing
Working hard to be ‘better’
Missing out on what is best.

I am the bleeding woman
Despised and rejected by her world
Who in Faith, reached out to touch the Lord
Who dried her tears and healed her wounds.

I am the woman at the well
Disgraced in her community
Now shaded from the scorn of shame
Resting with Jesus in the shade of his grace.

I am the adulterous woman
Shamed in the public square
For whom Jesus knelt and dirtied His hands
To protect, forgive and rescue her.

I am the sinful woman
Boldly entering where she does not belong
Ignoring the stares of ‘class’ disgust
To kneel at His feet covered in dust.

Her tears flow in love for the teacher
With her hair, she humbly wipes His feet
He speaks to her in love and grace
He rebukes her critics to their faces.

I am the woman with two coins
Giving more than she can afford
Yet seen and blessed by her Lord
Though poor she is rich in the eyes of God.

I am a precious and cherished daughter
Of our heavenly Father
The most high and Almighty
God of love, peace and joy.

Beverley Joy © 2018 of Simply Story Poetry All Rights Reserved.

You can listen to all my poems on several podcast platforms HERE

Image by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay

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