He is Coming for His Bride

A fairytale romance of a bride waiting for her wedding day

This story poem is of a bride who waits eagerly for the arrival of her bridegroom marking the beginning of the joyous wedding feast. This poem was inspired by Psalm 45. It has dual meanings. A fairytale romance of a bride and groom approaching their wedding day. It also symbolises the Biblical arrival of the promised bridegroom, Christ Jesus, who triumphantly claims his faithful bride, the Christian church. Beverley Joy

The woman stands alone
In the desert sands
Exposed and vulnerable
The clouds mask the sun.

She looks to the east
Then to the west
Up to the heavens above
And down to the earth below.

No one
No sound
No life.

Her heart bounds loudly in her chest
Aching from stab wounds life’s hardship
Her eyes feel the pressure of the flood of tears
Blocked by the dam wall of her will.

She waits for someone unique
Her Prince of Peace
Her knight in shining armour
Her warrior.

Pensive she ponders “When will he come
To take me away from here?”
To start our life together

Her wandering thoughts are interrupted
By a gentle breeze brushing her skin
She eagerly looks around
“Is he coming for me now?”

She smiles, closes her eyes and lifts her head
To face the breeze confidently
The sun breaks through the clouds
And warms her naked skin.

With eyes wide open
She absorbs her new surroundings
The desert has been transformed
Into a garden of Eden.

Colourful flowers dance at her feet
Butterflies fan their colourful wings
The birds sing a wedding song
Green grass cushions her bare feet.

On the distant horizon, she sees movement
Excitement and joy flood her being
“It’s my bridegroom, He promised that
He would return for me!”

Suddenly, she is clothed in royal garments
Gilded gold and precious gems
Reflecting colours in the sunlight
Rays that reach to the horizon.

Clothed in garments of salvation
Covered in a robe of royalty
She stands in honour and adoration
Of her royal Lord and Prince.

“My Saviour, my Warrior, my King
Who loves me beyond my understanding.”

She turns her ear to the music behind her
A procession of happiness and laughter
She explodes into song worshiping
Praising from deep within.

With his sword strapped to his side
Dressed in his splendid uniform
Reflecting back on the beautiful colours
Of the garden and his bride.

He gallops toward her in victory
As the mighty conqueror
Having won the battle with the enemy
For truth, peace and justice.

With his sword of truth
In his powerful right-hand
He rides in glory and majesty.

With no effort, He slays the enemy
As he gallops toward his bride
His eyes fixed on the rainbow figure
Now within His sight.

His heart longs impatiently
To reach His bride at last
So long the time they have been apart
It’s time for the wedding feast to start.

His humble faithful bride
Who believed and trusted in him
Though others scoffed and ridiculed, He honoured his word and returned.

But now, with preparations well underway
For the wedding feast to begin
Momentum and excitement build
As He approaches quickly.

Beverley Joy © 2015 of Simply Story Poetry. All Rights Reserved.

You can listen to all my poems on several podcast platforms HERE

Matthew Henry’s Commentary of the Whole Bible 1960 Marshall, Morgan & Scott
The Zondervan NIV Study Bible 1985, 1995, 2002 Zondervan Michigan U.S.A.

Image by Ajay kumar Singh from Pixabay

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