Best Friends

The qualities and characteristics of friendship

The poem reflects on the qualities and characteristics of friendship, emphasizing mutual communication, support, and vulnerability. It highlights the importance of sharing values, beliefs, and life experiences with a close friend. It reflects on the value of authentic and uplifting connections in our lives.

Even though we may have many friends, there is one whom we call our best friend. I wrote this poem sitting on the verandah of an Airbnb country cottage on a large property at Gin Gin Queensland, where I spent a few days rest from the busyness of life with my daughter. This poem reflects on the qualities of friendship. Beverley Joy

Listen here – POEM – Best Friends

Together we enhance each other

We are more complete, we don’t compete

We reconnect when we disagree

We accept and respect one another.

We listen patiently, ask for clarity

We share, we care, we dare

To survive, to strive, to thrive.

We walk side by side, and we dare to ask ‘Why?’

We talk and support, we laugh and cry

We correct each other when we falter

Make amends, and are willing to bend.

We encourage and uplift

Together, we feel refreshed

Energised, not drained and empty

Full of love, not jealousy.

With curiosity and wonderment

We listen to learn from those we’ve met

The rich, the poor, the adventurer

Their life stories, we discuss together.

Close friends share core values

Beliefs, ethics and moral standards

We’re not afraid of truthfulness

We feel safe to share thoughts and secrets.

Beverley Joy of Simply Story Poetry © 2023 All Rights Reserved

Read and listen to my other poems on friendship: Friendship, AHug Is Priceless, A True Friend in Time of Need, Everyday Love

Listen to all my poems HERE

Photo by Briana Tozour on Unsplash

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